How to buy $UNIT using MetaMask
Before we start, please note that you should use either Chrome, Brave or Firefox, must have Metamask installed on your browser and configured for the BSC. In case you haven’t done that before, please follow this guide.
Once you have transferred some funds to your wallet, you will now be able to purchase $UNIT via Pancake Swap.
Link to Pancake Swap:
The first time you use Pancake Swap you will need to connect your wallet, you can do this by clicking on the connect wallet button on the upper right side of the screen.
Then select Metamask
This is a shortcut on how to buy $UNIT directly
The first time you will get a warning message, make sure to hit I understand and then click on continue so that you can complete the purchase.
Before swapping, click on the cog wheel:
and set the slippage to between 7–11%. In case you get an error message, increase the number.
Warning: make sure to change the slippage again back to 1% or the value that you normally use.
Once you are all set you will see a screen like the following:
In this example we are buying $UNIT with BUSD.
Now, set the amount you want to purchase and press the swap button. Confirm the transaction on MetaMask.
We recommend buying a whole number (such as 20, 25, 30) of tokens so that your transaction is fulfilled correctly.
That’s it! Congrats, you just bought $UNIT.
Once you completed the purchase, make sure to add the contract address (0x69Af49E82eA59A97F3879547f67B913c216C3714) so that you can quickly see your UNIT tokens from your wallet.
Hit add to save it as favorite.